Special Light
Bible Reading: Matthew 5:14-16
"Wow! Look at that!" exclaimed Leah. She and her father were taking their annual Christmas lights tour around the city. Dad pulled to the side of the street so they could get a good look at the house that had won the award for having the best display of lights. As they continued on their way, they agreed that no other place could compare to the house that won the award.
The next day was the first day of Christmas vacation for Leah. "I'm glad we won't have school for a little while," she said at breakfast. "I can't do anything right at school. I don't read well, I can't spell, and I'm bad at math." She let out a long sigh. "I'm a failure."
"Leah," said Dad, "I know school is hard for you, but…" He paused. "Go get your coat," he said as she finished her breakfast. "I want you to see something."
Leah eagerly jumped up and went out to the car with her father. "Where are we going?" she asked as they drove through the city.
"You'll see," said Dad. Soon he pulled to the side of the street. "Do you recognize this place?"
"That's the house we saw last night--the one that had all the beautiful lights!" Leah said in surprise. "It looks different now. It doesn't look very special at all."
"You're right," said Dad. "It's when we see the lights shining in the night that it looks beautiful. I thought about that when you said you couldn't do anything well. You see, we may not feel like we're all that special, especially when we aren't able to do things as well as we'd like--we might think we're as ordinary as that house looks right now. But Jesus loves us no matter what we can or can't do, and because we trust in Him, we have something special--we have the light of His love. People need to see that light--the light of Jesus in us." Dad smiled. "Leah, I want you to know that the love of Jesus shines through you--and that's much more important than getting good grades in school. You're a special light for Jesus shining brightly in the night."
–Sara L. Nelson
How About You?
Do you ever feel like a failure? Does it ever seem like you can't do anything well or that you don't have any special talents or abilities? You are special because God made you and loves you, and if you know Jesus as your Savior, He has given you everything you need to be a light for Him in the world. Use that special ability to shine His light to everyone you meet!
Today's Key Verse:
You are the light of the world. (NKJV) (Matthew 5:14)
Today's Key Thought:
Be a light for Jesus